
XI International Music & Dance festival BUDAPEST MUSIC FESTIVAL

8 -

10 November, 2025


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Budapest, HUNGARY

All Performing Arts

from 96 €

3 days

Director: B.D.M. & WOFA


September 6, 2025

Participation Information:

The festival is **non-competitive** and welcomes **folk ensembles, choral groups, brass bands, orchestras, ballroom dance groups, modern dance groups, art schools, and majorette teams** (children, youth, and adult groups). Each country may send only **3 groups**. Groups should consist of up to **50 members** (including dancers, managers, musicians, and family). Participants should prepare a **10-12 minute program** (with orchestra or USB) for performances. Choral groups should prepare a **12-minute free program**. Application should include: **short CV** (5-6 sentences in English), **3 photos**, and **video link**. **Flag of the country** must be brought by the group. Groups must arrange **own transport** for arrival and departure.

Accommodation Information:

**Hotel:** 3-star hotel with **2 meals per day** (open buffet breakfast and dinner). Accommodation is in **triple** or **quadruple rooms**. Additional cost for **double rooms**: **5 euros** per person per day. Additional cost for **single rooms**: **19 euros** per person per day. The **participation fee** is **96 euros** per person, covering hotel accommodation and 2 meals per day. For **25 dancers**, **1 participant** will stay for free.

Program Information:

**Day 1:** **14:00:** Arrival in Budapest and hotel accommodation. **18:00-21:00:** Dinner at the hotel. **21:00-22:30:** Meeting with group leaders.
Day 2:
08:00-10:00: Breakfast.
10:00-15:00: Optional tour of Budapest.
15:00-17:00: Visit St. Andrea and Marzipan Shop.
17:00-18:00: Dinner.
18:30-21:30: Concert and diploma ceremony at St. Andrea.

Day 3:
08:00-10:00: Breakfast.
11:00: Departure of participants.

Excursions Information:

**Facultative Tour of Budapest:** (Optional) **10:00-15:00** on **Day 2**, with professional local guides. **Visit to St. Andrea and Marzipan Shop:** **15:00-17:00** on **Day 2**. Excursion costs are **not included** in the participation fee.

Application Form

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Deadline: September 18, 2025


from 189 €

XV International Music & Dance Festival DUBAI PALM FESTIVAL