Participation Information
Kuşadası, a resort town on Turkey’s Aegean coast and part of Aydın Province, will host a festival from April 20 to April 24. The following conditions apply for participation:
Number of Participants: There is no limit to the number of participants.
Age of Participants: There are no age restrictions.
Arrival and Departure: Groups are requested to arrive in Kuşadası on April 20 by 12:00 PM and depart on April 24 by 12:00 PM after breakfast.
Attendance Certificate: Each participant will receive a certificate of attendance.
Country Flags: Each group must bring the flag of their country.
Performance Requirements: The organizers prefer dance groups with live music; however, recorded music is also acceptable. Each group is expected to prepare a program of 5-10 minutes and a minimum of two different performances.
Pocket Money: The Festival Committee will not provide pocket money to the groups.